The PeopleOps Manifesto is a synthesized expression of pioneering principles that have been deeply influenced by thought leaders in human capital, organizational behavior, and corporate culture. These luminaries have laid the ideological groundwork that makes the manifesto what it is today. With their contributions as our foundation, we’ve articulated principles that foster a culture of clarity, agile protocols, and employee empowerment. Below are the twelve guiding principles that serve as the operational and cultural North Star for organizations adopting the PeopleOps Manifesto.
1. Purpose-Driven Responsibility: We recognize that every touchpoint in an employee’s journey, from onboarding to retirement serves the organizations ‘why’, and therefore each step is curated by leadership, HR, and various departments in alignment with this overarching purpose.
2. Culture of Inquiry: We thrive on questions that challenge the status quo, viewing them as essential elements for collective learning and progressive growth.
3. Continuous Clarity: We regard clarity as an evolving entity, demanding ongoing, collective input and nurturing from all team members to remain aligned with our evolving mission and goals.
4. Dynamic Playbook: We build a living repository containing our guiding principles that can be rewritten, or disposed of based on collective learning and insights.
5. Agile Protocols: We are committed to regularly review and evolve our operational protocols to adapt to changing needs, technological advancements, and employee feedback.
6. Meritocratic Evaluation: We employ transparent, metric-based evaluations to assess performance, avoiding disguised judgements. We recognize not just ‘takers’ but also ‘givers’, the silent contributors.
7. Innovation and Creativity: We encourage team members to challenge existing norms and power dynamics, contribute innovative solutions and disruptive ideas, keeping the organization ahead of the curve.
8. Strength-Based Growth: We create individualized pathways for both personal and professional development tailored for each employee’s strengths and needs.
9. Intrinsic Recognition: We go beyond conventional extrinsic rewards, celebrating both small wins and significant contributions to foster a deeply motivated work environment.
10. Structured Empowerment: We foster an environment where employees are entrusted to make informed decisions relevant to their roles, within a framework of clearly defined responsibilities and expectations.
11. Adaptive Work Ecosystems: We build our culture on a foundation of asynchronous communication that can scale to support diverse locations and geographically distributed teams.
12. Continuous Improvement: We engage in scheduled audits to evaluate the effectiveness of our practices and treat each audit as an opportunity for continuous improvement, taking specific actions to enhance our operational effectiveness.