For any business aspiring to perfect the balance between customer satisfaction and product excellence, the key lies in a tightly aligned workforce. For CEOs, HR leaders, and managers seeking this alignment, these four values serve as the bedrock for achieving it.
CEO-Driven Experience Over HR-Siloed Initiatives
Dynamic Playbook Over Rigid Policies
Open Communication Over Disguised Judgements
Regular Audits Over Assumed Efficacy
These values represent a shift in thinking and action, aimed at ending the cycle of disappointment, frustration, and blame that leadership, HR, and management often find themselves engulfed in. By embracing the items on the left, we’re doing more than just talking about a better, more unified workforce – we’re actively building it to shape the future of work.
Leaders Informing the PeopleOps Manifesto
Adam Bryant
Adam Grant
Alan Mulally
Ben Horowitz
Daniel Pink
Gary Hamel
Kevin Sharer
Laszlo Bock
Marcus Buckingham
Patty McCord
Reed Hastings
Simon Sinek